
Informationen zum Dokument  EGMR 10328/83 - Belilos v. Switzerland  Materielle Begründung

1. Bearbeitung

2. Abruf & Rang

3. Zitiert durch:

4. Zitiert selbst:

5. Besprechungen:

6. Zitiert in Literatur:

    [nicht verfügbar]
7. Markierte Gliederung:

I. The Circumstances of the Case
1. The Lausanne Police Board ...
2. The Criminal Cassation Division of the Vaud Cantonal Court ...
3. The Federal Court ...
II. The Police board in Vaud Cantonal Law
1. Powers ...
2. Procedure ...
3. Forms of appeal ...
III. Switzerland's declaration on the Interpretation of Article 6 § 1 (art. 6-1) of the Convention
1. Wording ...
2. Preparatory work ...
(a) The Federal Council's report of 9 December 1968 to the Federa ...
(b) The Federal Council's supplementary report of 23 February 197 ...
(c) The Federal Council's communication of 4 March 1974 to the Fe ...
(d) Federal Decree of 3 October 1974 ...
I. The Government's preliminary objection
A. The nature of the declaration
B. The validity of the declaration
1. The Court's jurisdiction ...
2. Compliance with Article 64 (art. 64) of the Convention ...
(a) Article 64 § 1 (art. 64-1) ...
(b) Article 64 § 2 (art. 64-2) ...
C. Conclusion
II. Alleged Violation of Article 6 § 1 (art. 6-1)
1. The Lausanne Police Board ...
2. Available forms of appeal ...
(a) The Criminal Cassation Division of the Vaud Cantonal Court ...
(b) The Federal Court ...
III. Application of Article 50 (art. 50)
A. Cancellation and refund of the fine
B. Legislative amendment
C. Costs and expenses
1. Costs incurred in the national proceedings ...
2. Costs incurred in the European proceedings ...

Bearbeitung, zuletzt am 30.06.2024, durch: Michelle Ammann, A. Tschentscher
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