
Informationen zum Dokument  EGMR 14967/89 - Guerra v. Italy  Materielle Begründung

1. Bearbeitung

2. Abruf & Rang

3. Zitiert durch:

4. Zitiert selbst:

5. Besprechungen:

6. Zitiert in Literatur:

    [nicht verfügbar]
7. Markierte Gliederung:

I. The Circumstances of the Case
A. The Enichem agricoltura factory
B. The criminal proceedings
1. Before the Foggia Magistrates' Court ...
2. In the Bari Court of Appeal ...
C. The approach of the authorities concerned
D. Steps taken to inform the local population
II. Relevant domestic law
III. Work by the Council of Europe
Proceedings before the Commission
Final Submissions to the Court
I. Scope of the case
II. Alleged Violation of Artcle 10 of the Convention
A. The Government's preliminary objection
B. Merits of the complaint
III. Alleged Violation of Article 8 of the Convention
IV. Alleged Violation of Article 2 of the Convention
V. Application of Article 50 of the Convention
A. Damage
B. Costs and expenses
C. Other claims
D. Default interest

Bearbeitung, zuletzt am 18.07.2024, durch: Michelle Ammann, A. Tschentscher
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