
Informationen zum Dokument  EGMR 19010/07 - X et al. vs. Austria  Materielle Begründung

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7. Markierte Gliederung:

I. The Circumstances of the Case
II. Relevant Domestic Law and Practice
A. Adoption
B. Same-sex couples
C. Children born outside marriage
III. International Conventions and Council of Europe Materials
A. Convention on the Rights of the Child
B. European Convention on the Adoption of Children (revised 2008)
C. Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers
IV. Comparative Law
A. Study by the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
B. Further information on comparative law
I. Alleged Violation of Article 14 of the Convention taken in Conjunction with Article 8
A. Admissibility
B. Merits
1. The parties' submissions ...
(a) The applicants ...
(b) The Government ...
(c) The third parties ...
(i) FIDH, ICJ, ILGA-Europe, BAAF, NELFA and ECSOL ...
(ii) The European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) ...
(iii) The Attorney General for Northern Ireland ...
(iv) Amnesty International ...
(v) Alliance Defending Freedom ...
2. The Court's assessment ...
(a) Applicability of Article 14 of the Convention taken in conjun ...
(b) Compliance with Article 14 taken in conjunction with Article  ...
(i) The principles established in the Court's case-law ...
(ii) Application of these principles to the present case ...
alpha) Comparison with a married couple in which one spouse wishe ...
beta) Comparison with an unmarried different-sex couple in which  ...
II. Application of Article 41 of the Convention
A. Damage
B. Costs and expenses
C. Default interest

Bearbeitung, zuletzt am 18.07.2024, durch: Michelle Ammann, A. Tschentscher
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