
Informationen zum Dokument  EGMR 22978/05 - Gäfgen v. Germany  Materielle Begründung

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I. The Circumstances of the Case
A. The kidnapping of J. and the police investigation
B. The criminal proceedings against the applicant
1. Proceedings in the Frankfurt am Main Regional Court ...
(a) The preliminary applications concerning the prohibition  ...
(b) The Regional Court's judgment ...
2. Proceedings in the Federal Court of Justice ...
3. Proceedings in the Federal Constitutional Court ...
C. Subsequent events
1. The criminal proceedings against the police officers ...
2. The official liability proceedings brought by the applica ...
II. Relevant Domestic, Public International and Comparative Law and Practice
A. Provisions of domestic law
1. The Basic Law ...
2. The Code of Criminal Procedure ...
3. The Criminal Code ...
B. Provisions of public international law
C. Practice of the courts of other States and of other human-rights monitoring bodies
1. The legal qualification of threats of torture ...
2. The admission of evidence procured as a result of torture ...
(a) The States Parties to the Convention ...
(b) Other human-rights monitoring bodies ...
(c) Case-law of the courts of other States ...
I. Alleged Violation of Article 3 of the Convention
A. The applicant's victim status
1. Whether the impugned treatment was contrary to Article 3 ...
(a) The Chamber judgment ...
(b) The parties' submissions ...
(i) The applicant ...
(ii) The Government ...
(iii) The third-party interveners ...
(c) The Court's assessment ...
(i) Recapitulation of the relevant principles ...
(ii) Application of these principles to the present case ...
(α) The Court's assessment of the facts ...
2. Whether the applicant lost his victim status ...
(a) The Chamber judgment ...
(b) The parties' submissions ...
(i) The applicant ...
(ii) The Government ...
(iii) The third-party interveners (Redress Trust) ...
(c) The Court's assessment ...
(i) Recapitulation of the relevant principles ...
(ii) Application of these principles to the present case ...
B. Compliance with Article 3
II. Alleged Violation of Article 6 of the Convention
A. Scope of the case before the Grand Chamber
B. The Government's preliminary objection
1. The Chamber judgment ...
2. The parties' submissions ...
(a) The Government ...
(b) The applicant ...
3. The Court's assessment ...
C. Compliance with Article 6 of the Convention
1. The Chamber judgment ...
2. The parties' submissions ...
(a) The applicant ...
(b) The Government ...
(c) The third-party interveners ...
(i) J.'s parents ...
(ii) The Redress Trust ...
3. The Court's assessment ...
(a) Recapitulation of the relevant principles ...
(b) Application of these principles to the present case ...
III. Application of Article 41 of the Convention
A. Damage
B. Costs and expenses
C. Default interest

Bearbeitung, zuletzt am 18.07.2024, durch: Sibylle Perler, A. Tschentscher
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