
Informationen zum Dokument  EGMR 2346/02 - Pretty v. The United Kingdom  Materielle Begründung

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    [nicht verfügbar]
7. Markierte Gliederung:

I. The Circumstances of the Case
II. Relevant Domestic Law and Practice
A. Suicide, assisted suicide and consensual killing
B. Domestic review of the legislative position
III. Relevant International Materials
IV. Third-Party Interventions
A. Voluntary Euthanasia Society
B. Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales
I. Admissibility of the Application
II. Alleged Violation of Article 2 of the Convention
A. Submissions of the parties
1. The applicant ...
2. The Government ...
B. The Court's assessment
III. Alleged Violation of Article 3 of the Convention
A. Submissions of the parties
1. The applicant ...
2. The Government ...
B. The Court's assessment
IV. Alleged Violation of Article 8 of the Convention
A. Submissions of the parties
1. The applicant ...
2. The Government ...
B. The Court's assessment
1. Applicability of Article 8 § 1 of the Convention ...
2. Compliance with Article 8 § 2 of the Convention ...
V.  Alleged Violation of Article 9 of the Convention
A. Submissions of the parties
1. The applicant ...
2. The Government ...
B. The Court's assessment
VI. Alleged Violation of Article 14 of the Convention
A. Submissions of the parties
1. The applicant ...
2. The Government ...
B. The Court's assessment

Bearbeitung, zuletzt am 18.07.2024, durch: Sibylle Perler, A. Tschentscher
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