
Informationen zum Dokument  EGMR 39630/09 - El-Masri v. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia  Materielle Begründung

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I. The Circumstances of the Case
A. The applicant's version of events
1. Travel to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ...
2. Incommunicado detention in the hotel ...
3. Transfer to Skopje Airport ...
4. Handover to a CIA "rendition" team at Skopje Airport ...
5. Flight from Skopje to Afghanistan ...
6. Detention and interrogation in Afghanistan ...
7. Disguised "reverse rendition" to Albania ...
8. Arrival in Germany ...
1. The position of the respondent Government as noted in the repo ...
(a) Alleged secret detentions and unlawful inter-State transfers  ...
(b) Council of Europe, Report by the Secretary General under Arti ...
2. The version of events submitted by the respondent Government i ...
C. International inquiries relating to the applicant's case
1. Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe -- "the Marty  ...
(a) The 2006 Marty report ...
(b) Secret detentions and illegal transfers of detainees involvin ...
2. The European Parliament: the Fava inquiry ...
3. UN Human Rights Committee, Concluding Observations on the Form ...
4. The applicant's petition before the Inter-American Commission  ...
D. Relevant proceedings before national authorities other than those of the respondent State
1. Germany ...
(a) Investigation by the German prosecuting authorities ...
(b) German parliamentary inquiry ...
2. Legal action in the United States ...
E. Proceedings taken in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia regarding the applicant's alleged arrest, confinement and ill-treatment
1. Proceedings before the Department for Control and Professional ...
2. Criminal proceedings against unknown law-enforcement officials ...
3. Civil proceedings for damages ...
F. Other evidence submitted to the Court
1. Sworn witness statement of 4 March 2010 ...
2. Expert report on the applicant's case submitted by Mr J.G.S. ...
3. Declarations of the European Centre for Constitutional and Hum ...
4. WikiLeaks cables ...
II. Relevant Domestic Law
A. The Constitution of 1991 (Russisch)
B. Criminal Code (Russisch)
1. Time bar for criminal prosecution ...
2. Running and suspension of the time bar ...
3. Unlawful deprivation of liberty ...
4. Torture ...
5. Ill-treatment in the performance of official duties ...
C. Criminal Procedure Act of 1997 (Russisch), as worded at the material time
D. Obligations Act (Russisch)
III. Relevant International Law and Other Public Material
A. International legal documents
1. Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, done in Vienna on 24& ...
2. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) ...
3. International Convention for the Protection of All Persons fro ...
4. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Manual on the Effective ...
5. International Law Commission, 2001 Articles on Responsibility  ...
6. UN General Assembly, Report of the Special Rapporteur of the C ...
7. Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Resolution 14 ...
8. Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Resolution 14 ...
9. UN General Assembly Resolution 60/148 on Torture and Other Cru ...
10. European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commiss ...
11. Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Prot ...
12. UN Human Rights Council, Resolutions 9/11 and 12/12: Right to ...
13. Council of Europe, Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers o ...
B. Relevant case-law of foreign jurisdictions and international bodies
1. Court of Appeal of England and Wales (Civil Division), Abbasi  ...
2. United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, Falen Gh ...
3. UN Committee against Torture, Agiza v. Sweden, Communication N ...
C. Public sources highlighting concerns as to human rights violations allegedly occurring in US-run detention facilities in the aftermath of 11 September 2001
1. Relevant materials of international human-rights organisations ...
(a) Statement of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on det ...
(b) Amnesty International, Memorandum to the US Government on the ...
(c) Human Rights Watch, "United States, Presumption of Guilt: Hum ...
(d) Human Rights Watch, "United States: Reports of Torture of Al- ...
(e) International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, "Anti-ter ...
(f) Amnesty International Report 2003 -- United States of America ...
(g) Amnesty International, "Unlawful detention of six men from Bo ...
(h) Amnesty International, "United States of America, The threat  ...
(i) Amnesty International, "Incommunicado detention/Fear of ill-t ...
(j) International Committee of the Red Cross, United States: ICRC ...
(k) UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Opinion No. 29/2006, ...
2. Other public documents ...
3. Media articles ...
I. The Government's preliminary Objection of Non-Compliance with the Six-Month Rule
A. The parties' submissions
1. The respondent Government ...
2. The applicant ...
B. The Court's assessment
1. General principles established in the Court's case-law ...
2. Application of the above principles in the present case ...
(a) Whether a criminal complaint was a remedy to be used by the a ...
(b) The starting point of the six-month time-limit ...
(c) Conclusion ...
II. The Court's assessment of the Evidence and Establishment of the Facts
A. The parties' submissions
B. The Court's evaluation of the facts
1. General principles ...
2. Establishment of the facts in the present case ...
III. Alleged Violation of Article 3 of the Convention
A. The parties' submissions
1. The applicant ...
2. The respondent Government ...
B. Third-party interveners
1. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) ...
2. Interights ...
3. Redress ...
4. Joint submissions by Amnesty International (AI) and the Intern ...
C. The Court's assessment
1. Admissibility ...
2. Merits ...
(a) Procedural aspect of Article 3: lack of an effective investig ...
(i) General principles ...
(ii) Application of the above principles in the present case ...
(b) Substantive aspects of Article 3 of the Convention ...
(i) Ill-treatment in the hotel and at Skopje Airport ...
alpha) General principles ...
beta) Application of the above principles in the present case ...
(ii) Removal of the applicant ...
alpha) General principles ...
beta) Application of the above principles in the present case ...
(iii) Conclusion ...
IV. Alleged Violation of Article 5 of the Convention
A. The parties' submissions
B. Third-party interveners
C. The Court's assessment
1. Admissibility ...
2. Merits ...
(a) General principles established in the Court's case law ...
(b) Application of the above principles in the present case ...
(i) The applicant's detention in Skopje ...
(ii) The applicant's subsequent detention ...
(iii) Conclusion ...
(iv) Procedural aspect of Article 5: lack of an effective in ...
V. Alleged Violation of Article 8 of the Convention
A. The parties' submissions
B. The Court's assessment
1. Admissibility ...
2. Merits ...
VI. Alleged Violation of Article 13 of the Convention
A. The parties' submissions
B. The Court's assessment
1. Admissibility ...
2. Merits ...
(a) General principles established in the Court's case-law ...
(b) Application of the above principles in the present case ...
VII. Other Alleged Violations of The Convention
VIII. Application of Article 41 of the Convention
A. Damage
B. Costs and expenses
C. Default interest

Bearbeitung, zuletzt am 18.07.2024, durch: Michelle Ammann, A. Tschentscher
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