
Informationen zum Dokument  EGMR 48876/08 - Animal Defenders International v. The United Kingdom  Materielle Begründung

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I. The Circumstances of the Case
1. The prohibited television advertisement ...
2. The High Court ([2006] EWHC 3069) ...
3. The House of Lords ([2008] UKHL 15) ...
II. Relevant Domestic Law and Practice
A. Human Rights Act 1998 ("the HRA")
B. The legislative background to the prohibition
1. Background to the Communications Bill 2002 ("the 2002 Bill") ...
(a) Television Act 1954 ("the 1954 Act") ...
(b) Committee on Standards in Public Life ("the Neill Committee") ...
2. Consultation on the 2002 Bill ...
(a) Communications White Paper ...
(b) Publication and scrutiny of the 2002 Bill ...
(c) Introduction of the 2002 Bill to Parliament and related debat ...
C. The Communications Act 2003 ("2003 Act"), enacted in July 2003
1. The prohibition on political advertising ...
2. The obligation of impartiality in the broadcast media: 3 mecha ...
D. The European Platform of Regulatory Authorities ("EPRA")
1. EPRA Survey, May 2006 ...
2. EPRA: Paper for Working Group 1 on "Political Advertising", 30 ...
3. Further comparative work ...
E. Council of Europe texts
I.  Alleged Violation of Article 10 of the Convention
A. Admissibility
B. Merits
1. The applicant's submissions ...
2. The Government's submissions ...
3. The Court's assessment of whether the interference was necessa ...
(a) General principles ...
(b) Preliminary remarks ...
(c) Proportionality ...

Bearbeitung, zuletzt am 30.06.2024, durch: Michelle Ammann, A. Tschentscher
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