
Informationen zum Dokument  EGMR 57375/08 - P. and S. v. Poland  Materielle Begründung

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I.  The Circumstances of the Case
A.  Attempts to obtain an abortion in Lublin hospitals
B.  Attempts to obtain an abortion in Warsaw
C.  The first applicant's placement in a juvenile shelter
D.  Proceedings before the Family and Custody Court
E.  The applicants' contact with the Ministry of Health
F.  Various sets of criminal proceedings
1.  Against the first applicant ...
2.  Against the perpetrator of the alleged rape ...
3.  Against the second applicant, the first applicant's ...
4.  Against other persons ...
5.  Against Ms H.W. and Mr M.N.-K. ...
6.  Against the police officers ...
7. Against various persons on charges of disclosure of confi ...
II.  Relevant Domestic Law and Practice
I.  Third Parties' Submissions
A.  The Polish Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights
B.  The Rule of Law Institute, Lublin, Poland
C.  The Coram Children's Legal Centre, London
D.  European Centre for Law and Justice, Strasbourg
E.  Amnesty International
II.  Alleged Violation of Article 8 of the Convention as regads the Determination of Access to Lawful Abortion
A.  Admissibility
1.  The first applicant's status as a victim ...
2.  Exhaustion of domestic remedies ...
B.  Merits
1.  The parties' submissions ...
2.  The Court's assessment ...
(a)  General principles ...
(b)  Application of the principles to the circumstances ...
III.  Alleged Violation of Article 8 of the Convention as regards the Disclosure of the Applicants' personal and medical Data
A.  Admissibility
B.  Merits
1.  The parties' submissions ...
2.  The Court's assessment ...
IV.  Alleged Violation of Article 5 § 1 of the Convention
A.  The parties' observations
B.  The Court's assessment
V.  Alleged Violation of Article 3 of the Convention
A.  The parties' submissions
B.  The Court's assessment
VI.  Other Alleged Violations of the Convention
VII.  Application of Article 41 of the Convention
A.  Damage
B.  Costs and expenses
C.  Default interest

Bearbeitung, zuletzt am 18.07.2024, durch: Michelle Ammann, A. Tschentscher
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